Why Common Sense Leadership?

Because supervisors and managers need different skills!

And they are too often left to figure it all out for themselves. Leading a team of people is a different skill set and most new leaders are not given the opportunity to learn those new skills. Companies who make the effort to develop their supervisor's and manager's leadership skills find the result is more productive teams and fewer personnel problems.

A Special Note for HR Professionals

The issues you deal with every day like turnover, EEO complaints, compliance, motivation and engagement, conflict management, change management are quite often the result of supervisors and managers who just haven’t learned the skills to be good leaders who know how to get the best from their teams. Common Sense Leadership provides those supervisors and managers with skills that will significantly reduce these problems and even make them go away. Let's talk about how Common Sense Leadership can help you.

What's included

Commons Sense Leadership is a value-packed on-line course. When you have completed the course you'll have

  • The complete Common Sense Leadership workbook

  • Questions, exercises, and scenarios to help you apply leadership skills to you own situation

  • 28 short videos that clearly explain each concept

  • Our popular My HardWired Leadership Styles Assessment

  • Your own Personal Leadership Philosophy - one of the most loved take-aways of our programs

  • Opportunity for individual coaching with the course instructor

  • A set of skills that will make you a more successful leader

An Investment That Begins Paying Back Immediately

The entire 5-week Common Sense Leadership course is only $697 for a single enrollment and as little as $197 for multiple enrollments.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Common Sense Leadership

    • Welcome to Common Sense Leadership

    • Pre-Course Self Evaluation

  • 2

    Leadership Management and You - Fundamental Characteristics of Successful Leaders

    • Leadership Management and You

    • What is Leadership?

    • The Truth About Leadership vs Management

    • Establishing and Maintaining Trust

    • Fundamental Characteristics of Successful Leaders - The Daedalus Leadership Model

    • The Daedalus Leadership Model - Values, Purpose, People

    • Creating a Motivational Environment

    • Action Plan

    • Action Plan

  • 3

    The My HardWired Leadership Styles Assessment

    • Your My HardWired Workbook

    • Introduction to Your My HardWired Profile

    • What the Colors Mean

    • Your Instinctive Needs

    • Your Expectations

    • Your Preferred Style

    • Strengths and Blindsides

    • Action Plan

What’s a Daedalus Group?

In Greek mythology, Daedalus (Dādălus) invented wings to escape a labyrinth in which he was imprisoned. Using extensive military and corporate leadership experience, combined with the best tools available, The Daedalus Group helps supervisors and managers become effective leaders and escape the seeming labyrinth of everyday team leadership.

What other course participants have said

"Materials were good and discussion was pertinent to my situation. Opened up ideas of what to think about." B. K. Part 141 Pilot School General Manager

"Unexpected approach, but understandable with positive ideas to apply." G.H. Project Manger

"Good leadership session to focus on vision, mission, and how to deal with different personality styles." Project Manager

"Outstanding course. Perfect course to take to help develop effective goals. Facilitator’s enthusiasm and professional knowledge made the course." J.D. Corporate Captain

"Helps managers and future managers learn different ways to solve problems and gives various perspectives of effective management tools and techniques." Mark M. Corporate Pilot

"Bob made the information simple, relative, and easy to understand." John White, Principle, Fundamental Fitness Concepts

"Bob's presentation made me completely re-think my attitudes toward motivation." Kelly Stanhope, Stanhope and Clark

"Bob has a great visual presentation and encourages the audience to ask questions or otherwise engage in the learning experience. I have personally attended professional management training at Stanford University, Thunderbird International School of Management, Kellogg School of Business at Northwestern University, and INSEAD in Fontainebleu, France among others and I can say that the quality and level of information of Bob's presentation is on a par with instructors at these institutions." Ted Trujillo, New Mexico Small Business Development Center

"The facilitator was extremely knowledgeable and personable. And sharing an intense, immersive, multi-day session with a bunch of current practitioners offered a ton of opportunities to pick up real-world best practices. Highly recommend." Michael Martin, Pharmaceutical Company

This course gave us concrete tools we can use. After other leadership courses I've attended I can't really say what I've learned. After this one I can say, 'Look at the tools I got from the course I attended. Senior project manager